Radio Pre-production

Mind Map of Ideas (Pete)

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Treatment (Joe)

Working Title: “Midnight Hour Radio”

Synopsis: For this show we’re going to play some of the most recognisable hits from the 80’s, attempting to be like a radio fundraiser for comic relief. Playing songs from the 80’s, aimed at our main target audience as, in essence a nostalgia trip for our target audience, providing the audience with entertainment while we try to raise awareness for the chosen charity. We will also feature a speech package based on our chosen charity to help raise awareness

Format: It is to be a 30 minute radio show, with a 3 minute speech package and accompanying discussion, as well as songs relating to our theme. We will use Myriad to house our sound files and then upload one rehearsal and the final broadcast onto Soundcloud

Estimated Duration: 30 minutes in length with a 3 minute speech package included

Intended Audience: People born in the 70’s and 80’s who remember the tracks, who would be willing to donate, usually this demographic would be employed with a home and possible family with some possible disposable income to potentially donate to charity.

Style: A relaxed chat show, similar to Comic relief, relaxed but with a serious message behind it, raising awareness. Lighthearted and somewhat nostalgic

Rationale: Our reasoning to do an 80’s themed show is to pay a sort of tribute to the original Comic Relief, Live Aid. Live Aid taking place in 1985 we thought it appropriate to play some of the biggest tracks of the 80’s, similar to Live Aid including some of the biggest stars of the 80’s. As well as our chosen charity Against Malaria Foundation, which is mainly in aid of Africa, as was Live Aid.

Feasibility: All resources required to produce the show are available, team and equipment are covered

Budget: The show will cost nothing to produce

Deadlines: 06/02/17

Primary Research (Me)

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The primary research was an online based survey that consumers can fill out on a devise. From the responses gathered we look into our audience’s mind and tapper our radio show to attract the audience.

Our radio show will contain a higher percentage of music compared to discussion of subjects and news and the music that is used will be more pop based music than other genres, this because of the results in the online survey. We have also found out that our audience, when listening to news, prefers headlines from the news rather than news regarding trivia or music. Our audience told us that they have mixed feelings over wether a song is cut short during a radio show. The two options in balance are “yes” and “depends on the song”. Therefore we will more likely play as much of a song as we can, as not to accidentally cut short a song that our audience wanted to hear fully. Finally our audience informed us that they prefer 30 seconds between songs, which is in contrast with the results to the first question in this survey. Our radio show will have an average around 1 minutes between songs, due to some quince members choosing a 1 minutes to 2 minutes between songs.

Secondary Research (Phoebe)

For my secondary research I went on YouTube to look up different ideas and activities that other radio shows have done in the past for comic relief. I found some very funny and touching videos including sad stories of children and celebrities doing challenges to raise money. For example in 2011 Fearne Cotten got into a bikini on BBC Radio which helped to raise over £2 Millon and in 2013 also on BBC Radio 1, with Greg James they did the cinnamon challenge with Little Mix and Union J to try and raise £20,000.

As well as trying to make comic relief all fun and games it is a serious event with some very touching stories.

Daniel’s story is quite upsetting because of how much work he has to go through to help his family at such a young age. Even though this story makes us feel sympathy for the child he is still smiling and the music used helps to control/persuade the audience in how they should be feeling.

This woman’s malaria story is about how she found out she got it and everything she did to rid herself from malaria. It’s quite a happy successful story that i feel everyone should take the time to watch as it is touching as well.

Here are more stories I found:

There are more different saddening stories all over the internet to get us to donate to comic relief and help all these children with life threatening problems. Last year we were able to donate up to £78 Million and more which has helped a lot of people around the world.

Knowing what people do for comic relief and how much they can raise, we hope to also bring some cheerful and sorrow in our radio show to help raise money for a good cause.


Martyn Lee

Marytn Lee is presently a broadcaster on Absolute 80’s radio, bard casting across the country and a Sony award-winning radio producer. Previously in his career he has been Programme director at 2CR FM, Original 106 and The Coast 106. He started off working as a weekend sports producer at LTR FM, also know as The Beach, between 1994 and 1996.

After LTR FM Lee joined 2CR FM, in the October of 1996, where he produced for Lloydie. After a year of producing Martyn turned to presenting, with his first show on Box Day 1997, for the next 10 years Martyn presented the evening show, Breakfast show and drivetime show. As well as being Head of Music and assistant programme controller at the station.

In July 2006 Lee joined Original 106 as an assistant Programme Director and the host of the Saturday breakfast show and the weekday afternoon show . In 2008 Richard Skinner took over the weekday show and Martyn become Programme director of the station and became presenter of the Saturday evening show. In October 2009 Lee moved to Absolute Radio and produced The Christian O’Connell breakfast show; Subsequently winning a Sony Radio Award. Martyn started presenting the breakfast show and Absolute 80s in November 2010.

I chose Martyn Lee as my influence due to his variety of roles within the radio industry. I believe having such a diverse ability to present and producer will be helpful for me in my career if I proceed into the radio industry.

Radio Clock (Pete) Screen Shot 2016-12-05 at 22.12.54.png

Song List (Joe)

Out of order:

The Stranglers- Golden Brown

Toto – Africa

Men At Work- Down Under

Duran Duran- Planet Earth

Gary Numan- Are Friends Electric?

Frankie Goes to Hollywood- Relax

Back up tracks:

Depeche Mode- Personal Jesus
New Order- Blue Monday

All tracks are D-list since they’re from the 1980’s and often being re-occuring hits on radio stations. We have chosen some of the most popular songs from the 80’s to bring a sense of nostalgia to the audience, a “I remember that” feel to the show that brings the target audience back to when they were younger.

Crew List

Producer – Pete Musgrave(myself)

Co-Producers – Joe Monahan and Phoebe Cullum

We will all be presenting as well.

 Risk Assessment (Joe)

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Speech Based Package Script(Pete)

Speaker 1 – Malaria kills a child every 30 seconds,

  • Clock ticking sounds starts and on ever 30 seconds a bell shall ring

Speaker 1 – that is around 3000 children a day, this is equivalent to  three quarters of the students at Stratford upon Avon College. This is over one million people a year and 90% of these cases appear in sub-Saharan Africa. All because these families don’t have simple mosquito nets, the first barrier in the fight against Malaria.

Speaker 2 – Malaria is a disease spread by mosquitoes infected by a parasite . It presently exists in 103 countries across the globe and affects 300 to 600 million people each year.

Speaker 2 – There are four types of Malaria, that can be slit into 2 groups, each being treated with different medication. Both types of the disease can be lethal if untreated, for survivors there is a high rate that later in life they will develop physical and mental impairments.

Speaker 1 – A mosquito will usually bites its victim between 10’o’clock in the evening and 2’o’clock in the morning, times that victims are usually sleeping at. This makes people without a mosquito net vulnerable to being bitten. Once bitten usually between 7 and 18 days pass before the symptoms start to unfold.

Speaker 1 – The symptoms for malaria are a high temperature, headaches, a fever and vomiting, which when untreated cause dehydration and then death. Without medication the road to the end is long and painful for the victim. A road which shouldn’t need to be taken. For only £2 a mosquito net can be purchased and for £8 sent over to a Community in need of one. A mosquito net, that will last for 4 years, will be sent to a family and protect up to 2 people from malaria.

Speaker 2 – Mosquito nets also have insecticide woven onto them which kill mosquitos, which in turn, in areas with high coverage of nets can reduce the transmission of malaria by a staggering 90%. Other ways to prevent the spread of the disease are being tested, such as painting insecticides on the inside wall of homes to kill mosquitoes that land on them, this however is not a full proof protection against being bitten.

Speaker 2 – Unfortunately there is no vaccine against the disease at present. However there are many studies being carried out in search for a vaccine. Without a vaccine a mosquito net is the only preventions against the disease.

Speaker 1 – Since the start of this segment 6 children have died from malaria.

Speakers together – Save lives and donate today.

Original Script (Phoebe)

Pete: Hello and welcome to our 80s themed radio show. I’m joined with Joe and Phoebe.

(Joe and Phoebe introduce themseleves)

Pete: (Explain what the show will be involving and introduce first song) Golden Brown – The Stranglers

Song plays

Pete: That was Golden Brown by The Stranglers which was made in 1981. What are your thoughts?

(Discuss thoughts on the song and band, Who is your favourite artist from the 80s?)

Joe: Next song up is Africa – Toto

Song plays

Pete: That was Africa by Toto which was made in 1982.

Phoebe: As well as being 80s themed all this is for comic relief.

Joe: Comic Relief first launched in 1985 on BBC1 from a refuge camp in Sudan.

(Discuss Comic relief)

Speech Package

(Discuss topics brought up in speech package)

Phoebe: Next song up Down Under – Men at Work

Song plays

Pete: That was Down Under by Men at Work which was made in 1981

(Discuss music of the 80s, Why do people enjoy it so much?)

Pete: Next song is Planet Earth – Duran Duran

Song plays

Pete: That was Planet Earth by Duran Duran which was made in 1981

(Discuss Song and other 80s songs)

Phoebe: Next song up is Are friends Electric – Gary Newman

Song plays

Pete: That was Are friends Electric by Gary Newman

Phoebe: To finish off we would like to ask you to please donate to comic relief. All you need to do is go onto the comic relief website and click on donate.

Joe: The money goes to people who are in need of change and help. It’s for a great cause so please donate.

Pete: Thank you for listening and thank you to my co-hosts Joe and Phoebe.

(Joe and Phoebe thank Pete)

Joe: To finish the show we’re going out on Relax by Frankie goes to hollywood.

Phoebe: Thank you for listening.

Song plays

The End.

Script Final version (Joe)

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  Interaction with Audience