Production Diary

Tuesday 02.05.17 : Today we were placed into our production groups, I was put in a group with Lucy Goddard and Phoebe Webster. The concept chosen was Lucy’s, A Night at the Musicals TV and radio show, a Musical Theatre based show. Afterwards, we sat down for our first team meeting I took some general notes, simply consisting of the general topic discussed and actions to be taken. One subject we discussed regarded the crew list for the TV production of A Night at The Musicals. I noted people and positions discussed then spoke to a few of the people and confirmed their availability for our TV production. I also noted all the rehearsals and shows I have asked to be involved in on a calendar. At the end of the day, I booked the radio studio for the next day to allow us to fully prepare and record all pre-record material needed for our radio show.

Here were some of the notes I took.

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Here is a message I sent to one of the crew confirming their position.





Wednesday 03.05.17: First event of today was the radio studio where to we prepared for our radio show and recorded all the pre-recorded material needed. We each voiced an advert and then each edited one. I also voiced the jingle and edited it. I continued to do voicing for a game round title for Toby’s TV sports game show title, The Underdogs.

Later that day we spoke with Lee Skinner regarding a change in our final recording date to Thursday 18th, to allow for one of the show’s main guest to attend. We went on the have an in-depth discussion on what backdrop we should use for the interview section of the show, we discuss whether we should paint, project an image or draw and cut out the image of the New York city Skyline. I also brought up how each different approach of creating the backdrop would affect our timescales and finances. We went to enquire with the printing department at the college on the cost and timescales of printing A3 posters off. Lucy later went on to order and collect 2 trial prints off, of musical themed posters. I drew up a design of what we had discussed for the set design.


Thursday 04.05.17 : After getting into college early with Lucy, we decided to designate today to working in the studio getting prepared for our TV show. We started with setting up the floor plan and finding how best to set up our backdrop, with using either; paint, green-screen, thick card or project an image into the backboards. After trialling a projector, being told green-screen may not be the best backdrop and after further discussing regarding the other options, as a group, we came to the conclusion that cutting the New York Skyline out of card would be the most feasible option. While Lucy and Phoebe drew and cut out the skyline, I typed up some briefs notes for the day so far.

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I was then asked to voice some adverts for Ingo’s Stratfood Radio show. I voiced two adverts along with Joe Monaghan and Ingo Lyle-Godwin, while Loui Podmore recorded us all.

Afterwards, I transferred some images of Lucy’s choosing onto a memory stick for her to print off. While Lucy did that Phoebe and I enquired with Jack about staging for the performance area of the show. We got out some staging allowing to us to gather a perspective on the overall show set up. Lucy confirmed she would prefer staging that is high for the show, so we will investigate acquiring taller staging next week. Afterwards, we all sat down and amended the script with all the new changes, such as a new performer. we also updated the running order in alignment with the new script. Afterwards, Lucy and I went through the full show while Lucy wrote down a camera plan.

Monday 08.05.17: Today I mainly worked on other people’s show. I started the day on Sammy’s show, Film4fans ( I worked as VT operator on the show, my role was to start the recording and play the VTs at the correct time.

The next show I worked on was Izzy Wall’s, Mx3 – Magical Music Madness ( My position on the show was as Sound Manager, the role bearing the responsibilities of independently keeping all sound levels to way appropriate volume. While also preparing the sound by giving microphones to everyone on screen, performing a sound check and then putting all the equipment away after the show. The show used a simple set up of 2 wireless clip-on microphones on the two presenters and 2 dynamic stick microphones, one for the guest to sing into and the other for their guitar.

After college I assistant Toby on preparing for his show the next morning, I assistant his and a few other people on setting up the jib, required on his show. I simply moved the jib around while the other worked on different areas of the apparatus and added and removed weights accordingly.

In the evening I worked on writing up job descriptions and custom running ordering for the job roles I was writing for. Below are the documents I produced.

Additionally, I had written discussion with Toby Jones regarding the sound set up he would reunite for his show the next day, in which my role was Sound Manger. Below is the conversation had.










Plus I also start creating the graphics for my team’s TV production. For this, I used motion and then edited a pre-animated object to fit what we required. I then added text, a behavior for the text, adjusted the colours and duration of the animation.

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Tuesday 09.05.17: Today as discussed with Toby yesterday I got into college for 8:30 to help set up. Toby’s show, The Underdogs (, has a unique sound set up, as the show requires 7 clip on radio microphones, however, the studio only has 4. To overcome this I spoke to Jack the technician on how to attain another 3 radio microphones. He suggested myself and Josh Wood-Stacy headed over to the Musical Theatre tech office. We were given 4 radio microphones, 2 antennas and 1 receiver box. After bringing it all back to the studio, I wired the receiver box into the studio’s mixer desk, set up the antennas in the appropriate positions. Finally, I made sure all the radio microphones were connected to the receiver box, by checking the microphone and receiver were on the same single frequency. After the show, Sindi Skranabre and I took the equipment I borrowed back to Musical Theatre and discussed hiring the equipment out again for the same time for the next 2 weeks. I was told next week I would be able to, but not the week after and was instructed to talk to Jack about find other radio microphones to use that week.

After Toby’s show, I discussed the graphics I created last night with Lucy and Phoebe and got the go ahead to create graphics intent style for the rest of the performances on the show. Additionally, I discussed the editing of the VT with Lucy and Phoebe, who filmed the VT tonight.

In the Afternoon I worked on Ed Irvine show, Same World Different Lifestyle ( I was Sound Manager on this show, however, due to running out of time, the show never got to a position where the sound department was required.

After ed’s show, I worked as Sound Manager on Callam Ratcliffe’s show, Big Nigh In ( The set up for Callam’s show was 4 radio microphones, however, 2 of the microphones would have to be swiped over mid-show. I managed this swapping over with Joe Monaghan who was Floor Manager for this show.

In the evening I downloaded all the song needed for our radio rehearsal tomorrow. I downloaded them from Lucy’s blog ( Once in my iTunes, I transferred the songs across to my USB stick.

Wednesday 10.05.17: Due to a timetable change, our radio show had now been scheduled for a later time in the day. Meaning I was now able to work on Ellie Coobmes’s program ( I was assigned the position of Sound Manager for this program. The set up I used for this show was 4 radio microphones on each guest and a dynamic stick microphone for the host.

The next show in today line-up was Kieron’s, Coach Band Wallop ( As Sound Manager for this show, the set up used was 3 radio microphones, one on the host and 2 guests.

In the afternoon Lucy, Phoebe and I had our radio rehearsal. I started by uploading all the music, jingles and adverts to Myriad. I then worked the desk for the show, while Lucy and Phoebe hosted it. Through the show, there were a few minor features I missed due to misdirection, however after discussing them the show run smoothly.

Later that day, I edited the second VT for our show, an interview with the Director of Peter Pan, with the Lucy and Phoebe with me to aid in the decision making of the creative look of the interview.


That evening I printed off 5 copies the script.

Thursday 11.05.17: Today was the day of our TV rehearsal, so to get ahead of scheduled Lucy and I got in for 8am. Due to travel arrangments, Phoebe wasn’t able to get into later. However, Lucy and I started with the staging in the performance area of the show. By this point, more crew members had arrived so we asked them to help build the set and set up the lighting. While the did that, I went to hired a 4th camera, tripod and dolly from Jack. After this, I hand out the script I had printed the night before. While doing this I had a discussion with Will Holt regarding his position on our show and after discussing with my team I swapped Will on camera 4 for Ed on lighting, due to them each know the other role better. I then, as Sound Manager for the show, handed out a radio microphone to the host and then quickly run through the show with him. Afterwards, I set up the guest’s microphones and preparing the studio speaks, as we would need them to play the backing tracks to the guest’s songs. We then had a sound check and went for the rehearsal, without VTs due to them not being completed yet.

Immediately afterward I worked on Ingo’s show, Stratfood ( I was Sound Manager, however, I ended up helping with setting the setup, however, due to other reasons the show rehearsal was cut short.

After Ingo’s show, I was Sound Manager for Sophie Harris’s show, Lights camera Action ( The arrangement for this show was one radio microphone on the host and 4 romantic stick microphones on the guests.

In the afternoon Lucy and I sat down and viewed all the footage from Tuesday night’s filming of the rehearsal and chose the footage we thought was best for the VT. I noted all the clips we wanted to download later. Lucy and I also discussed the structure she wanted the VT and I noted it down as well.

That evening I downloaded all the footage needed allowing me to hand Lucy and Phoebe’s SD cards back.

Friday 12.05.17: I come into college originally to edit the VT, however, due to reasons I did other work that was vital. But I planned to edit the VT over the weekend to make up doing other work.

I also handed Lucy and Phoebe heir SD cards back.

Saturday 13.05.17: Today I started to arrange all the VTs onto my USB stick for our rehearsal on Monday. I also started to edit the first VT, using the structure Lucy and I discussed on Thursday. While editing I uploaded the VT of the interview. and distributed it with the team.

Sunday 14.05.17: I edited the VT up the furthest point I could, technical issues had occurred during the exporting of the footage and I have not exported all of it, therefore I was unable to fully complete the VT. However, I will do so tomorrow. Below is the arrangement have for editing the VT. With Final Cut Pro on my 48” screen, this clear space on my laptop screen for other essential websites/files.

I also arranged all the backing tracks needed into a playlist, to make organisation during the rehearsal and show easier.

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Additionally, I messaged a James Barter regarding a discussion we had a few earlier on whether he could host out TV show.

Monday 15.05.17: This morning I watched through the VTs I edited weigh Phoebe in CG7. Then later in the day, I edit the VTs with Lucy and Phoebe. Changing certain section already edited to suit Lucy’s creative direction.
Immediately afterward I worked on Sammy’s show, Film4Fans, on VT. Their show was missing a few VTs and due to a misunderstanding in the running order, the presenter skipped a VT part was through the show.

Once Sammy’s show rehearsal was complete I continued edited the VTs for Lucy’s show.

For Izzy’s show, N.A.M, I was the sound manager like on the previous rehearsal. However this week the show’s guest had come for the rehearsal. This allowed me to conduct a full sound check. The picture the mixer desk shows the set I used, 2 dynamic stick microphones for the guest/performance, 2 tie microphones for the presenters plus VT sound.

Now it was our show’s elected time. The overall show was not great, this was due to a number of reasons. Firstly the set was the same apart from each area of the studio being in the opposite end. When Lucy’s said we needed to move the set around I suggested we just left it because it was exactly the same set up just in a different arrangement. Lucy demanded it was changed and this slowed our time up and slightly annoyed the crew. Once we were ready for our show, we realized we didn’t have all the paper worked we needed because Lucy had forgotten to print the off, this affected the show but wasn’t a massive problem. After the show I suggested we had a team meeting to discuss what went wrong, I then message the group chat later that day suggesting it again.

Tuesday 16.05.17: First show today was Toby’s, The Underdogs, whereas like on the previous rehearsal I was the sound manager. Also again like last week I went over to Musical Theatre tech office to obtain the 3 extra tie microphones The Underdogs needed, this included the antennas and receiving box. After completing the show, I took the equipment back. When taking it back I was informed that the equipment would not be available next week for the final show. I then discuss with them what would be the best replacement and if it would available to hire from one of the college’s tech offices. They said add the music department.

After this, we had the team meeting I’d suggested we had the day before, we also went through our show’s running order and script with James Barter the main host of the show. We discuss other options to make the show easier for James host, it was suggested that we make some handheld cards with key points from the script on, which I said I would do.

Up next was Ingo’s Show, Startfood, I was in sound working with Kieron Morfill.
Afterward was Callam’s Show, Big Night In, which again I was the sound manager.


Callum’s show was different as he wanted music played when guests walked on stage. The best solution I found was by playing the music through my laptop and into the desk through the aux chord.

Wednesday 17.05.17: Ellie’s show, The Movie Chat show, started at 9 am today. I was the sound manager.

Afterward, Kieron’s Show, Crash Bang Wallop, was scheduled. I was the sound manager.

Ed’ show was next, Same World Different Lifestyle. I was originally planned to be lighting, but due to the sound manager not being there I was placed as sound manager.

After Lunch our team had a radio rehearsal scheduled, which I believe went somewhat successful, this was due to me not fully learning the running order resulting in a few slight mistakes. however apart from those minor errors, overall the reseals went fine.

That evening I started to prepare for our final broadcast tomorrow. I started with typing up job-specific running orders for VT and sound.

Afterward typed up, printed off and crafted together skew cards for key points from the script for James our show host.

Thursday 18.05.17: This morning was the date of our final show, I came in with Lucy at 8 am to set up and have a detailed soundcheck. Once the performance area was set up Lucy and I had assigned people jobs to complete. I started a soundcheck with Emily, one of the guests on our show. After that as complete and I’d check all the tasks I had assigned to people earlier had been complete. I then went to obtain a JVC 600, as a fourth camera for our show. Phoebe and Molly, the other guest on the show, tuned. So I did another sound check with her. We were now ready to roll to record. However, we had to wait 10 minutes because Toby our scheduled Director was somewhere else in the college, even with prior knowledge of the show. Once we had started the show went fabulously well.

After we had completed our show, I was asked by Alice if could work on Josh Wood-Stacey’s show as spout manager as they need an extra hand to help their current sound assistant, Toby. Josh’s show, Top of the Mocks (,used a simple set up. The 4 tie microphones on everyone on screen then changing one of the microphones over part way through the show. They when had music played while guests walked on stage, this was achieved through connecting my laptop to the desk through the aux chord.

Up next was Sophie’s Show, Lights Camera Action, where I was in sound with Kieron Morfill.

Sammy’s Show was next, Film4Fans, where I was VT runner.

From 14:00 till 15:00 was Ingo’s Show, Startfood, where I worked with Kieron Morfill in sound.


Friday 19.05.17: I came into college for 10:00 to start the edit process, Phoebe came in as well to assist. We watched through the whole show and noted down times that needed to looked at in more detail. I came into college for 10:00 to start the editing process, Phoebe came in as well to assist. We watched the whole show and noted down times that needed to looked at in more detail.


Later in the day, I needed to do some sound checks for Izzy’s show, N.A.W, final broadcast. After completing these tests, I waited for Izzy to come into college to show her my plans.


Sunday 21.05.17: Today I started the editing of our final broadcast, completing the graphics I started the create earlier in the project and adding them in.

Monday 22.05.17: I started today with continuing to edit our final show.


I then had Sammy’s final show, Film4Fans. I was VT runner and the show went smoothly, with only a few small hiccups in the running of the VTs.

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After was Ingo’s final broadcast, Startfood, I worked in sound with Kerion Morfill.
Then during lunch, Lucy had booked the radio studio to give us another radio rehearsal, to make sure we were fully prepared. The rehearsals then more successful than our previous one. However, we calculated that we would need more content to fill our allotted 30 minutes. Phoebe had previously attempted to organised a meeting with some musical theatre students, which she informed us she had arranged for after Izzy’s show today.

I then had Izzy’s show, N.A.M, in which I was the sound manager.

We then had the interview Phoebe had organised with the theatre students. Phoebe had booked some equipment out, however, the equipment was slight faulty, so I sorted this issues. For the interview Phoebe asked the questions while I recorded, moving the rifle microphone between the interviewer and interviewees while watching the levels.

After this I assistant Toby in setting up his show, I stayed till 5:00, helping set up everything from lighting, the set itself and sound, which I was my assigned job in Toby’s show The underdogs.

That evening I edited the interview we had conducted earlier that day.

Tuesday 23.05.17: This morning was Toby’s show, The Underdogs, which I was the sound manager. For the rehearsals of this show, I had hired out equipment from musical theatre, however, they had informed me after taking the equipment back after the last rehearsal that the equipment wouldn’t be available for this week final broadcast. We asked music tech if they had any microphone we could use, but they didn’t. This resulted in me suggesting we used some old tie microphones the media department had, however, part way through the show, the older tie microphones started to cause a serious amount of interference with the newer the microphones. After stopping the show, I quickly set up 2 of the dynamic stick microphones to replace the older tie microphones. Apart from this, the show went well.


After this was Josh’s show, Top of the Mocks. I was in sound with Toby. the went successfully from a sound prospectus.

I then had Callam’s show, Big Night In. Which I was the sound manager, this show didn’t go as successfully, this was down to people calling different parts of the running order at the wrong time.

That evening I recorded another section to our radio show which Lucy asked me to do earlier that day, however, I was unable to record it then as I had Callam’s show. While I recorded it I started a conference call between the group so I would record the 5 facts exactly they wanted it.

Wednesday 24.05.17: First show on today agenda was Ellie’s, The Movie Chat Show. I was the sound manager and the show went successfully.


I then had Kieron’s show, Crash Bang Wallop, in which I was in sound. When I worked gonna show I always require a detailed running order so I know approximately want to mute and unmute the different areas of sound. For the show, there was only a few running orders available meaning I had to write Down the running order. While doing this Phoebe and I discovered that the show only had 20 odd minutes of content. Between Phoebe, Sam Britton(a member of the show’s production team) and I we added a few advert breaks to partly make the time. However, throughout the show the host what occasionally and randomly call for an ad break, which meant I had to be on the ball with the muting and unmuting.

Ed’s show, Same World Different Lifestyle, was what’s next. I was so manager I’m due to the show having a simple sound setup, the show went successfully.

After lunch, it was time for a final radio broadcast, which surprisingly due to such a large amount of last-minute work went tremendously well. However, it was pointed out to me after the show that cart one was broken and would affect the end product. As a result of this any songs, jingles or adverts played in cart one has a wave effect to it.

The last show on the schedule was Sophie’s Show, Lights Camera Action. in Which I was the sound manager. Due to a large amount of interference using the tie microphones earlier that day. I decided to use the 4 dynamic stick microphones for the guests and then wire in a Share microphone for the host. The show went successfully.

Thursday 25.05.17: Today I watched the final show with some of the crew of the show, to get their opinion of the final show.


Tuesday 20.05.17: Due to technical difficulties with my internet connection and speed at home. I came into college today to upload the final show.