

(By Charlotte Taylor)

The song we have decided to make a music video for ‘I was here’ sung by Beyoncé. From my own interpretation I think that the song is about doing good in the world and if you were to die today you will know that you did all you could to make the world as good as it could be. Originally, I wanted to have a dancer in chalk because I think we could get some really good slow motion shots with the chalk mixed with her hair. As this would be quite boring to watch for three minutes, we decided to make the video more narrative based. To do this we will incorporate chalk into the story.

The protagonist in the video has died however the viewer does not know this yet. The young girl will walk around helping people by returning lost objects or giving directions. Whenever the girl does something good she leaves a white chalk handprint which symbolises heaven. We do see a shot of the girl’s parents looking at an old photo and crying which gives a hint that something has happened to the girl. On the last chorus, the music becomes silent and we see a young boy sat in the middle of the road, he has fallen over and hurt. The girl who is now wearing different clothes approaches the boy and picks him up t make sure he’s okay. She takes him off the road to make sure he’s safe then when she goes back to pick up his ball the camera zooms into her face and blacks out. This represents her being hit by a car which is what ended her life. We will use Foley sounds in this shot so that we don’t need to use an actual car. After this, there is a key change in the song which is where we will see the girl dancing in the chalk. This represents her going up to heaven. The reason why she does good thing and leaves her mark is because she died saving someone’s life.

This connects to the songs because it is about doing good in the world and leaving knowing that you did good to help people. I would quite like to do the video in black and white as because the songs in Beyoncé’s album are all in black and white and I feel like the colours fit the mood.

Shot List

(By Charlotte Taylor)


Shot of girl walking early in the morning through field (establishing shot)

Focus on girls feet then pan up to face (close up)

“I want to leave my footprints on the sand of time”


Camera follows girl and she looks over shoulder (mid shot, girl on right side of frame)
“Know there was something that, something that I left behind”


Close up on girls face which zooms out
“When I leave this world, I’ll leave no regrets”


Leaves a print of chalk on tree (mid close up)
“Leave something to remember, so they won’t forget”


Brick wall takes up third of image and girl leans round wall so we see half her face (close up)

“I was here, I lived, I loved, I was here”


Girl goes back behind wall and leaves chalk handprint (close up)
“I did, I’ve done, everything that I wanted”


Girl and her friends hanging out and laughing (flashback, mid shot)

“And it was more than I thought it would be”


Close up on face as she looks up at camera
“I will leave my mark, soul, everyone will know, I was here”


Family photo’s hung on the wall, diagonal pan across (mid shot)

“I wanna say I lived each day, until I died”


Mum and dad holding family photo and crying (mid shot)
“You know that I, been something in, somebody’s life”


Photo of girl with flowers around it (mid close up)
“The hearts I have touched”


Girl pick up photo (mid close up)
“Will be the proof that I leave”


Close up on face looking at photo 
“That I made a difference”


Photo is put down and there is a line of chalk on the photo (mid shot)
“And this world will see”


Leaves roses at different households, close up on her hand putting rose on floor

“I was here, I lived, I loved, I was here
I did, I’ve done, everything that I wanted
And it was more than I thought it would be
I will leave my mark so everyone will know”


Person picks up rose outside house / Out of focus shot of her walking (mid close up/ close up)

“I was here, I lived, I loved, I was here”
“I did, I’ve done, everything that I wanted”
“And it was more than I thought it would be”
“I will leave my mark so everyone will know, I was here”


Walking leaving chalk marks everywhere (mid close up)

“I just want them to know”


Proud parents hugging (mid shot)
“That I gave my all, did my best”


People smiling because of the rose (mid close up)
“Brought someone some happiness”


Little boy laughing with his mum (mid shot)
“Left this world a little better just because,”


Mid shot of girl walking with looking room on her left


Little boy crying in road because he fell over (mid shot)


Back to shot of girl and she looks into looking room to see boy fallen over (mid shot)


Girl goes over to boy and picks him up (mid-long shot)


Puts boy on pavement (mid-long shot)


Shot of ball still in middle of road (mid shot)


Girl walks over to pick up the ball to move it (mid close up)


Camera zooms in on face and sounds represent girl being hit by a car (extreme close up)



“I was here,”


Fade into shot of long shot of girl slow motion throwing flower into the air

“I lived, I loved, I was here”


Close up of different body parts in chalk
“I did, I’ve done, everything that I wanted
And it was more than I thought it would be
I wanna leave my mark so everyone will know”


Shots of body parts 

“I was here, I lived, I loved, I was here
I did, I’ve done”


Shot of girl spinning round
“I was here,”


Shots of body parts

“I lived, I loved, I was here
I did, I’ve done,”


Slow fade out as zooms out

“I was here’

Location Recce

(By Charlotte Taylor)

The location we will be using is a private road in rugby. Most of the shots will be on the pavement away from the cars. There is only one shot on the road which is when the girl picks the boy off the road. We have decided to do this part on the quietest part of the road where the speed limit is very low. We will use one person to stand and watch the road at all times while we are filing. They will wear a reflective jacket so they can be seen easily and can warn us when a car is coming.

The houses are very useful in our video as we need to deliver roses to a lot of peoples houses which is the scene where the girl wants to make people feel loved. The majority of the video is shot outside.


At the beginning of the music video, a girl walks across a field during the early hours of the morning. This is a very wide open space which means the sunrise will not be blocked by any trees and it gives us a lot of room to experiment with. It is also not completely flat which makes the video seem more uneven which symbolises a change. This change is that the girl has passed away. The is one section of the field that is overgrown which I would like to get shots of the girl walking through.



(By Charlotte Taylor)

I decided to focus on the narrative part of the film because I have a very specific idea of what I want.

This is the scene when the music stops and it explains how the girl died.



I also drew the first minute or so of the music video just to show what I wanted in the specific scenes as they set the story off so they need to be easily understood.



Risk Assessment

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Production Schedule

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Crew List

Director – Charlotte

Camera Operator – Pete

Rescourses and Equiment List

Chalk Powder

We will obtain chalk powder from, as it appears to be cheapest from this site.

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DSLR, Tripod and SD Card

We will shoot on a DSLR as it will be more versital than a filming specfic camera. We will be able to obtain this either from college or use Charlotte’s or my own. Along with the cmarea we will obviously needs a tripod and SD Card.