Radio Pre-production

Crew List;

Main Presenter – Lydia Dawson

Co – Presenters – Izzy Wall, Joe Monaghan and Josh Lamb-Woods

Producer – Pete Musgrave

Co-Producer – Sindi

Mind Map (Completed by Izzy and Lydia);


Research (Completed by Lydia and Josh)

My Influence 


Treatment (Completed by …..)

Risk Assessment (Completed by Joe)


Radio Clock (Completed by Me) 


Music Lists  (Completed by …….)

Script (Completed by Me)

Indigo Radio Script

Introduction – Destination – 0:18


Opening: Introduce the show and other presenters. Explain what the show is about and topics to be discussed. Talk about song list, why songs were chosen and how they relate to overall theme. – 1:00

Artic Monkeys – High – 2:48

Chat – Host: Inform listeners to the previous song.
Host: What is everyones favourite artist, who is your jam at the moment?
Presenters discuss favourite songs just for a relaxed tone. Explain why you enjoy the songs. – 2:00

Mumford & Sons – The Cave – 3.38

Red Hot Chilli Peppers – Dark Necessities – 1.23

Chat – Host: Informs listeners to the pervious songs.
Host: Concerts! Reading Festival Has anyone been? what artist did you watch, how did they find it?
Presenters discuss…
Host: Introduces next song.

Lou Danby taster – 0.36

Chat – Host: what do you guys think of the taster. discuss Lou and his music, Promote Him.
Presenters do their shit… discuss.

Royal Blood – Loose change – 2.36

The 1975 – Robbers – 3.13

-upcoming tours—
Catfish and the Bottlemen – In the Uk mid November, tickets almost sold out.
The 1975 – In the Uk through out December, tickets on sale.
Green day – Only 2 events, early February, tickets on sale.
Ghost – Touring through October, no events in the Uk. 
Bon Iver – announce first UK and European tour dates in four years. Also a new album, 22, A Million, was on its way.

Discuss sold out arenas and how each Band has grown.

Host: Tell Joe to introduce next song.

Kodaline – All I Want – 2.00

Catfish & The Bottlemen – Kathleen – 2.44

Chat – Host: Inform the viewers of the pervious songs.
Just have a general chat.

Green Day – Bang Bang – 3.31

Ending chat – Host: thank viewers, thank presenters say good bye and introduce final song.

Ghost – Square Hammer – 4.43

The End.